Avidity International

Evolve and Adapt Your Coaching Style

Leadership in the current corporate landscape has changed significantly and one factor affecting our current workforce is the widening scope of multiple generations.

What we need to understand is that each generation is different and they are unique in their own ways – the way they communicate, learn, and even their preferences in how their contributions are recognized differ from one another.

Understanding these differences and considering changing our approaches can lead to a more effective organization and empower your team member better.

1. What approach would suit the most in managing a multigenerational workforce?
2. Why is coaching the best approach to manage a multigenerational workforce?
3. How do we use coaching techniques to DISRUPT our team members’ mindsets for GROWTH?
4. What are the benefits gained when a leader adapts coaching styles in leading a multigenerational team?

Watch the video to find out more on how you as a leader can “Evolve and Adapt Your Coaching Styles” to lead your multigenerational workforce through applied coaching techniques.

Share with us your perspectives, views, or experiences leading a multigenerational team in the comment section below.

Contact us to find out more about our avidCoach Journey in building a sustainable Coaching Culture

Let’s start DISRUPTING the way we lead our team with contemporary coaching techniques and GROW our people.


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