Avidity International


Coaching creates a more engaging environment!

It is not a surprise when we hear people talk about comfortable and engaging work environments. It’s what most — if not everyone — would want in their organizations. Our immediate surroundings are not the only contributor to our comfort and performance. Applying coaching techniques and instilling coaching culture in your own organization can lead to that very dream as well.

Coaching will empower your talents; and when you become a Disruptive Leader that uses coaching, you will build a workplace environment that encourages Growth. Through coaching, every individual will experience the chance to contribute and be valued for their ideas. And this is important when we want to create an environment where our talents feel free to share solutions and collaborate.

In a study done by Harvard Business Review, they came to the conclusion that when you empower your talents to speak up you will be able to create more content workforce and this will push them on the path towards leadership as well. With this, it can become a cycle that keeps repeating and thus creates a culture where coaching in leadership will be passed around indefinitely.

Not just that, according to the International Coaching Federation, it seems that around 80% of those who received coaching have vocally stated their increase in self-confidence. Meanwhile, over 70% benefited from improved work performance, relationships, and even more effective communication skills. This is exactly what coaching in the corporate environment aims to achieve and more.

It’s not just about “How to achieve goals” now; it is about “Who is achieving those goals”. Coaching emphasizes the person that is going to spend their energy to complete a task and not the task itself. That is why it is a more modern approach in handling your talents as their emotive needs are as important as the task at hand.

And through empowering and activating our talents with emotive approaches, we allow a more engaging and an improved workplace experience for everyone in the organization. This in turn improves motivation and promotes a healthier work environment.

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