In recent years, we have seen quite a decline in mental health. And workplaces that ignore their employee’s emotional needs are contributors to this phenomenon Organizations that do not practice a positive culture are stuck in the past and will not experience Growth in the long run.
Our performance in whatever we do, be it personal or professional, is very much linked to our emotional state. In an extreme example, we can’t expect a grieving person to produce a similar product of work to a person that is experiencing the happiest moment in their life. Positive environment is definitely needed for organizations to ensure quality of work and of life.
We should welcome and be more forthcoming with the topics of emotions at our workplace. Research done by Sarah Pressman at the University of California found that toxic and stressful work environment affects social relationships. She also found that the probability of dying early is 70% higher for people with poor social relationship as compared to smokers or those that are obese.
Society. Human Resource Management recorded that 74% of workers claimed that their organizational values helped them throughout the pandemic in their recent 2021 Culture Refresh Report. And on the managing side, 94% agreed that a positive workplace culture creates a resilient team. This is very important as a resilient team ensures longevity in this ever-changing climate,
Encouraging your talents and allowing them to have a voice helps in developing a positive environment. It’s also important to note that not every individual requires the same treatment or the same amount of attention. Coaching helps in identifying these different individuals and even have their own techniques or approaches when dealing with them.
A positive work culture definitely starts with the leaders that are at the helm of the organization I we do not recognize the need to disrupt the old ways and apply newer and better techniques in handling our people, then we risk falling behind compared to other organizations that welcome change.