Program Name [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Program Name:[select ProgramLevelMenu “The Customer-Focused and Relationship Effectiveness Program (CARE)” “The People Empowered Through Applied Coaching Program (PEAC)” “The CorporateAthlete Program” ]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12]
[group care clear_on_hide inline]
Program Dates
[select* caredropdown “8 to 9 January 2024”]
[group peac clear_on_hide]
Program Dates [select* peacdropdown “4th to 5th April 2024”]
[group ca clear_on_hide]
Program Dates [select* cadropdown “29 to 30 January 2024”]
Registration Type Registration Type [select* participanttype “Group” “Individual”]
[group groupparticipantmain]
[group group1participant]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12]Company[text* Company3]
Participant 1
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First1Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last1Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Designation [text* Designation1Main][/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Email[email* your-email1] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone1Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group group2participant]
Participant 2
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First2Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last2Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Designation [text* Designation2Main] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email2] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone2Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group group3participant]
Participant 3
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First3Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last3Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Designation [text* Designation3Main] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email3] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone3Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6][/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Additional Participant [select AdditionalParticipant “No Additional Participant” “Additional Participant”] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group participant4]
Participant 4
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First4Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last4Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Designation [text* Designation4Main] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email4] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone4Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group participant5]
Participant 5
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First5Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last5Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Designation [text* Designation5Main] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email5]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone5Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6][/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group participant6]
Participant 6
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First6Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last6Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Designation [text* Designation6Main] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email6]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone6Number] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6][/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group individualparticipant]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]First Name[text First0Name] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6]Last Name [text* Last0Name] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Company Name[text* Company0] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Designation [text* Designation0Main] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6]Email[email* your-email0] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel* YourPhone0Number] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row][/group]
Program Fee Fee Type
[select* price “Early Bird Fee” “Standard Price Fee” “Promo Code” ]
[group earlybirdfee]
Program Fee
[select earlybirddropdown “Fee: RM2210”]
[group standartpricefee]
Program Fee
[select standartpricedropdown “Fee: RM2600”]
[group promocode]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12]Promocode (Please Key In The Promo Code The Fee Will Appear When The Correct Promo Of The Corresponding Fee Wiil Be Automatically Listed)[text promocodetext id:promocodetext class:promocodetext “”][/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group buy1free1]
Program Fee
[select buy1free1 “AVIDPLUS1”]
[group promocode20]
Program Fee
[select promocodediscount20 “AVID20”]
[group Complimentary]
Program Fee
[select Complimentary “AVIDCOMPLIMENT”]
[group payment clear_on_hide]
Payment Preferences [uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Payment Preferences
[select Payment “Bank Transfer (Corporate)” “HRD Corp” “Bank Transfer (Personal)”] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group hrd]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Name Of Person In Charge[text nameofpersonincharge] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Designation [text PICDesignation] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Email [email PICEmail] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Contact Number[tel PersonINChargeContactNumber] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Company Name[text CompanyName] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Company Address[text CompanyAddress] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group corporate]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Name Of Person In Charge[text nameofpersonincharge] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Designation [text PICDesignation] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Email [email PICEmail] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Person In Charge Contact Number[tel PersonINChargeContactNumber] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Mobile Number [tel mobilenumber-corporate] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Company Address[text CompanyAddress] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group Personal_Group]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Contact Persons Name[text ContactPersonName] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Contact Persons Designation[text Personal Designation] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Contact Persons Email[email ContactPersonEmail] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] Contact Person Mobile [tel ContactPersonMobile] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] Invoice Attention To [text InvoiceAttentionTo] [/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:12] Contact Person Address [text ContactPersonAddress] [/uacf7-col][/uacf7-row]
[group free]
Payment Preferences Payment
[select freeadmission “Free Admission”]
[submit id:submit “Submit”]
Public Program template V2
Hello [First1Name],[First0Name]
Thank You for your registration for the Avidity Public Program. Program Name [ProgramLevelMenu]
Program Date [fields_care]
Registration Type [participanttype] [groupparticipant]
Company [Company3] Participant 1 First Name [First1Name] LAst Name [Last1Name] Designation [Designation1Main] Email [your-email1] Mobile Number [YourPhone1Number] [/participant1]
Participant 2 First Name [First2Name] Last Name [Last2Name] Designation [Designation2Main] Email [your-email2] Mobile Number [YourPhone2Number] [/participant2]
Participant 3 First Name [First3Name] Last Name [Last3Name] Designation [Designation3Main] Email [your-email3] Mobile Number [YourPhone3Number] Additional Participant
[AdditionalParticipant] [/participant3]
Participant 4 First Name [First4Name] Last Name [Last4Name] Designation [Designation4Main] Email [your-email4] Mobile Number [YourPhone4Number] [/participant4]
Participant 5 First Name [First5Name] Last Name [Last5Name] Designation [Designation5Main] Email [your-email5] Mobile Number [YourPhone5Number] [/participant5]
Participant 6 First Name [First6Name] Last Name [Last6Name] Designation [Designation6Main] Email [your-email6] Mobile Number [YourPhone6Number] [/participant6]
First Name [First0Name] Last Name [Last0Name] Designation [Designation0Main] Email [your-email0] Mobile Number [YourPhone0Number] [/individual]
Fee Type [price] [earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [earlybirdfeedp] [/earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [standartpricefeedp] [/standardpricefee]
Promo Code [promocodetext] [promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [promocodediscount20] [/promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [Complimentary] [/complimentary]
Promo Code Fee [/buy1free1]
Payment Preferences [Payment] Name Of Person In Charge [nameofpersonincharge] Person In Charge Designation [PICDesignation] Person In Charge Email [PICEmail] Person In Charge Contact Number [PersonINChargeContactNumber] Mobile Number [mobilenumber-corporate] Company Address [CompanyAddress] [/corporate]
Registration Type [participanttype] [groupparticipant]
Company [Company3] Participant 1 First Name [First1Name] LAst Name [Last1Name] Designation [Designation1Main] Email [your-email1] Mobile Number [YourPhone1Number] [/participant1]
Participant 2 First Name [First2Name] Last Name [Last2Name] Designation [Designation2Main] Email [your-email2] Mobile Number [YourPhone2Number] [/participant2]
Participant 3 First Name [First3Name] Last Name [Last3Name] Designation [Designation3Main] Email [your-email3] Mobile Number [YourPhone3Number] Additional Participant
[AdditionalParticipant] [/participant3]
Participant 4 First Name [First4Name] Last Name [Last4Name] Designation [Designation4Main] Email [your-email4] Mobile Number [YourPhone4Number] [/participant4]
Participant 5 First Name [First5Name] Last Name [Last5Name] Designation [Designation5Main] Email [your-email5] Mobile Number [YourPhone5Number] [/participant5]
Participant 6 First Name [First6Name] Last Name [Last6Name] Designation [Designation6Main] Email [your-email6] Mobile Number [YourPhone6Number] [/participant6]
First Name [First0Name] Last Name [Last0Name] Designation [Designation0Main] Email [your-email0] Mobile Number [YourPhone0Number] [/individual]
Program Name [ProgramLevelMenu]
Fee Type [price] [earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [earlybirddropdown] [/earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [standartpricedropdown] [/standardpricefee]
Promo Code [promocodetext] [promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [promocodediscount20] [/promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [Complimentary] [/complimentary]
Payment Preferences [Payment] Contact Person Name
[ContactPersonName] Contact Person Email
[ContactPersonEmail] Contact Person Mobile [ContactPersonMobile] Invoice Attention To [InvoiceAttentionTo] Contact Person Address [ContactPersonAddress] [/Personal_Group]
Registration Type [participanttype] [groupparticipantmain]
Company [Company3] Participant 1 First Name [First1Name] LAst Name [Last1Name] Designation [Designation1Main] Email [your-email1] Mobile Number [YourPhone1Number] [/group1participant]
Participant 2 First Name [First2Name] Last Name [Last2Name] Designation [Designation2Main] Email [your-email2] Mobile Number [YourPhone2Number] [/group2participant]
Participant 3 First Name [First3Name] Last Name [Last3Name] Designation [Designation3Main] Email [your-email3] Mobile Number [YourPhone3Number] Additional Participant
[AdditionalParticipant] [/group3participant]
Participant 4 First Name [First4Name] Last Name [Last4Name] Designation [Designation4Main] Email [your-email3] Mobile Number [YourPhone4Number] [/participant4]
Participant 5 First Name [First5Name] Last Name [Last5Name] Designation [Designation5Main] Email [your-email5] Mobile Number [YourPhone5Number] [/participant5]
Participant 6 First Name [First6Name] Last Name [Last6Name] Designation [Designation6Main] Email [your-email6] Mobile Number [YourPhone6Number] [/participant6]
First Name [First0Name] Last Name [Last0Name] Designation [Designation0Main] Email [your-email0] Mobile Number [YourPhone0Number] [/individualparticipant]
Fee Type [price] [earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [earlybirdfeedp] [/earlybirdfee]
Program Fee [standartpricefeedp] [/standartpricefee]
Promo Code [promocodetext] [promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [promocodediscount20] [/promocode20]
Promo Code Fee [Complimentary] [/Complimentary]
Payment Fee [freeadmission] [/freefee]
Avidity International Sdn Bhd
3A-2, Oval Damansara, 685, Jln Damansara,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur,
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
Avidity International Pte Ltd
81 Anson Road
#08-31 M Hotel
079908 Singapore
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